Katak Tepi Sawah
Western Influences spent three months working intensely with a Balinese business owner with eight newly opened villas, a restaurant and a day spa. The goal was to improve the patronage of each facility and the overall profitability of the businesses.
Western Influences’ senior consultants spent time inside the business speaking with management, staff and customers to gain an understanding of the operating environment and to identify the business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. There is advantage in an outside consultant, such as Western Influences, examining operations because they have the objective capacity to see what works well and what does not work so well.
Over the months, Western Influences worked with the business owner to, amongst other things:
· modify the layout of the restaurant to maximise both the intrinsic and extrinsic comfort of guests;
· carry out an initial safety audit and make recommendations to mitigate any potential risks to staff, guests and other visitors to the site;
· educate the staff on the value of English as a second language and assist them to identify the opportunities that practicing English can open up
· overhaul the way the business is being marketed, including redesigning the website and other promotional material;
· review the menu for the restaurant, including redesigning the menus to include photographs and both Indonesian and English language descriptions of items;
· undertake market research on local competitors to inform market positioning;
· leverage the business owner’s connections such that outgoings could be reduced in areas such as human resourcing and stock control;
· advise on appropriate ergonomics for staff and customers in the day spa; and,
· educate management and staff in the advantages of excellent customer service as a means for generating repeat and referred business, as opposed to generating new business all the time.
The work Western Influences did on this project shaped the business to what it is today and directly increased patronage and profitability.